Fast iteration

It is fair to say I am pretty obsessed with fast iteration cycles at the moment. It was a motivating reason I relooked at coding in C. I found I enjoyed coding in C but sometimes miss the algorithms that exist in C++’s STL.  It really depends on the task.

What I realise I had not thought about much is getting fast iteration speeds by leaving behind system levels languages. Using something like Java, Kotlin or  C#. All compile pretty quickly and I  get some superb tooling with them. Of course it means leaving behind memory efficient data structures.  

For some projects this would be not a bad idea. I have had the urge to create a few small games and started to write one in C++. It only occurred to me tonight every time I do this I fail.  The only times I  have successfully release anything to the public I have been using  Java. Weird but true.

I should also blog more :)


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