Subtly Teaching Children To Program
Over the weekend it was my birthday. Yay for surviving another year. Boo for a total lack of productivity as long weekend always produce. It did give my brain a bit of a break from coding. That does not mean my brain stopped working. I added a couple of game idea to my list of ones I would like to make at some point. My children are on their Easter break and all promptly came down ill. The oldest did show me what the scratch project he has been working on. We did a bit of pair programming to add a couple of features he wanted to add. Until then I had not looked at scratch much - well at all if I am honest. My eldest two had shown a slight interest in programming (them being 6 and 8 years old) and I showed them a bit of java. Printing out times tables and so on and that amazed them that it could work them out so fast. They even tried making it do the 17 times table to see if it would struggle! A little while later (about a month) we installed scratch on our computers a...