
Showing posts from June, 2013

Making A Blog More Popular

I have been blogging on an off for a fair while and have learnt a fair bit about myself during that time. My blogs have never been very popular to say the least. This blog for instance got less than a 100 uniques last month. It used to get more before I rebooted it to a more general blog. A different blog I have get a little over a thousand uniques a month. It has been going for a number of years. The other blog is a little bit more focused on programming so it falls into a more niche subject (good for blogs). My main downfall is I am not that social on the internet. I always feel I should be getting on with other stuff like coding rather than messing around with the internet interacting with people. As one of the main bits of advice when starting a new blog is network and get links to your blog, blogging and me are never going to be a perfect match! I took a look at the visitor stats for the past couple of years and it shows a steady trend upward, with some noise. As I have no...

A Time Boxing Experiment

One idea I have been experimenting with is a type of time boxing. The basic idea of time boxing is it's a productivity technique where you box off a certain period of time and work exclusively on one task. One example you might have heard of is the Pomodoro technique. Personally I don't have a problem getting going in a task, my bigger problem is stopping and get a balance between the various things I want to get on with. I would like to read more books but find I slip into programming in a evening and do not stop. I would like to write a larger game for android but find myself hacking on small HTML5 games (also something I want to do). There are other desires in there as well. It is the classic problem of wanting to do more than time can possibly allow. Not progressing is a cause of annoyance or perhaps even stress for me. To combat this I have decided to try time boxing. Using a round robin algorithm I will just go from one task to another. This will lets me progress...

TypeScript Seems To Be Getting Some Traction

As I have been gradually writing a very simple game using CoffeeScript and HTML5 I have re-imersed myself into HTML5 game development. This pretty much means I have been lurking on forums and reading news items more attentively. I have probably had a break of between 6-12 months since I last took a good look at the HTML5 game development world. It is fair to say things are changing fast. Asm.js looks pretty cool. The number of game development libraries seems to be exploding and some seem to be getting quite good. If/when I write a second game I may move over to one of them. I think I am over the I want to hack out a gaming library moment I had. People are starting to make money. For now it seems smaller devs are going the licence their game to portals. Anyone who has heard of flash games will know this model. It seams mobile is a big deal - not a surprise. Rumours are Internet Explorer will support webGL, this would be awesome! Much of this is not surprising. What did surpri...