New Site Gradually Coming Together
So over the past week of so I have been putting together a new website for . At the moment it is a googles sites website and looks pretty awful to say the least. It is possible to make nice google sites web sites but in the instance I have failed. After much searching and trying out I have settled on using Wintersmith static site generator. For the type of site I want to create there is no need for something more dynamic. The idea is to put stuff on there - yep that simple stuff I make or write will just go on there. I am planing a few articles and where appropriate I will probably hook in Disqus to get commenting on there. Honestly I am not really sure how this is all going to turn out. It could be it ends up not being maintained or it could be I get really in to it. I guess it depends on how productive I am in making stuff... One thing I would like to do is practice my longer form writing a little bit, So there will be some articles, probably about programmin...