First Post

Technically the title is wrong but tradition often beats the truth. All blogs should start with a title called "First Post". The reality is I used to have a bit of a tech blog here that fell to the wayside a long time ago. 

As I still like the title I decided to re-purpose it for something different. Well different from what it was but not really different when it come to the internet. 

It is going to be a bit of a life blog. Nothing special and if you are reading this then you may well be lost on the internet. It is probably late and you would be better off asleep. 

Seriously I am totally writing this for myself as an outlet for my small but persistent desire to write. A desire that exceeds my ability to compose interesting narrative. I desire to write as it helps to think with clarity.

I am not really sure on the cadence of the post or really what will be posted. knowing me it will probably involve some recipes. I like cooking. It is also bound to get a bit meta and have posts talking about the blog.


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