A Spring Lull

A pattern I have noticed is I am pretty productive in January and February but March and April seem to tail off a fair bit. Each year seems to have a different reason.

This year is has been getting Netflix and suddenly having access to lots of TV series that we have missed over the past decade or so. Netflix is starting to wear off on us now so I am expecting to start to get a little bit more productive.

Next year I will make an attempt to not loose my momentum quite so much.

I am probably about halfway though my next game and to be honest I am at the point where it is not much fun to work on. Most projects I really need to push past this and aim for completion soon.

My mind has been turning over what to do next. It is possible I may take a few weeks out of game dev to work on my art skills. Basically draw as much as possible. Improve my Inkscape skills and perhaps learn a bit of blender. Stuff I have been meaning to do for ages.

Without a doubt being able to draw better will help with my game development projects. My art work certainly lets my games down. Just getting to a point where I would not be embarrassed to show my friends would be a nice. I also have some fairly simple but fun game design ideas that I cannot pull off as my art skills are so lacking. Actually I am quite motivate to do this. My other half will think I have gone a little crazy if I suddenly start drawing all the time.

Anyway this is a little way off just yet as I need to get productive again first.


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