Making A Blog More Popular

I have been blogging on an off for a fair while and have learnt a fair bit about myself during that time. My blogs have never been very popular to say the least. This blog for instance got less than a 100 uniques last month. It used to get more before I rebooted it to a more general blog.

A different blog I have get a little over a thousand uniques a month. It has been going for a number of years.

The other blog is a little bit more focused on programming so it falls into a more niche subject (good for blogs).

My main downfall is I am not that social on the internet. I always feel I should be getting on with other stuff like coding rather than messing around with the internet interacting with people. As one of the main bits of advice when starting a new blog is network and get links to your blog, blogging and me are never going to be a perfect match!

I took a look at the visitor stats for the past couple of years and it shows a steady trend upward, with some noise. As I have not had any extended breaks from posting I came away with the general idea that more blog posts equals more visitors. Well for someone who it not networking the hell out of the internet.

Yes some posts collect many more visitors that others but overall more posts means more visitors. For me to get a popular blog I would have to write lots of posts. Well it is not quite as simple as that but nearly.

I find predicting what posts will be popular hard. Obviously the "what I have been up to" style of posts are the least popular as you would expect as google does not pick them up. After that it is really hit and miss some just get lucky and other don't. On my blogs, posts that help are the ones that have the chance to be more popular.

So moral of the story is if you are not a social/networking kind of guy/girl and you want a popular blog then try to write posts that help rather than what you have been up to. That means more of the posts that are hard to write rather than the ones you can fire off in a spare 10 minutes.

I do wonder how many visitors I would be getting if I committed to one helpful post a week.


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