The slightly strange reason I use Vim.

Over the years I have used a fair number of text editors and IDEs, from Emacs to Eclipse and all those in between it is fair to say I have been round the block when it comes to dev environments.

I have gradually settled on Vim. Although when I do Java I do use Eclipse.

So why have I settled on Vim, I thought about this a fair bit and even though about showing some of the great things it can do in the world of text manipulation.

The truth is that is not the reason. It is highly configurable and that lets you slowly grow what is effectively your own custom text editor. I was recently fortunate enough to use vim without my customization and it was a frustrating experiences. If you are new to vim don't judge it until your vimrc file is a few hundred lines long.

Again that was not the reason. I use it because it is different from other editors and IDEs. It is not some weird desire to be different rather a desire to make my coding at home not feel like coding at work. Even though I enjoy my day job it does not mean I want to make my evenings feel like the day. So the very fact it is different means I am more likely to fire it in an evening and code.

Yep that is the slight strange reason I use vim.

p.s. Yes Emacs also has that feel about it. I actually quite like emacs but find vim a little easier on the hands leading to me prefer to vim.


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