Stress, Stress and more Stress :)

I think the past couple of weeks of my life can be best described as extremely stressful. We are still attempting to move house as we have for the past 6 months. Combined with a large workload at work and many other minor stresses, none that I actually want to dwell on, I have been feeling pretty burned out.

That means I pretty much have not open my laptop for coding in quite a while. My spare time has been taken up with some generic android gaming sessions and generally chilling. To be honest that is starting to get annoying and I am feeling the urge to get on and create again.

On the plus side I finished the book "Natural Language Processing With Python". I admit I did not do any of the questions so my take away knowledge is not as great as it could have been. I am not sure what to make of the book, some parts I really enjoyed and others I found less interesting. Perhaps that is an indication about my own interest in the topic rather than a reflection on the actual written content. I can't see myself getting to deep into natural language processing any time soon.

Next book will either be a return to the linear algebra book or a intro to computer vision book. I am not sure yet.

As mentioned above the coding I have done is very minimal so there is not much point dwelling on that.

I feel like I am past the dip in productivity so hopefully next post I will be able to report some progress on something :)


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