Killing the current project

It would be fair to say I have not been productive during this year. I have done a great deal of learning rather than actually getting on with the project I had in mind for much of this year. We are now gradually heading towards to the end of the third month and all I have is a few abortive attempts at starting something. Yes I have learned a great deal about servers and some about more modern ways of doing client side web apps. I do like that style of creating apps perhaps because servers are still a bit of an unknown to me at least in real use so pushing as much to the client is my safe place.

But so far the results are telling, I have produced nothing of note. So I decided to kill it. If a project is not gaining some development momentum after two and a half months then it is probably a good idea to move on. Perhaps I will return to it at a later date but for now it is dead. 

It is funny how the decision to kill it came about, I was having a frustrating time trying to figure something out. It then dawned on me I was making such small progress that I could easily spend another 3 months not make progress. The idea popped up that if I have spend this time improving my drawing skill I would actually consider it time better spent. The schism between the project and my brain was revealed and at the point I knew I was not going to continue with the project. 

So the question is how to spend my newly found free time. Well first up real life is going to get in the way for the next week or two and that should give me a little time to think up something.


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