Early May 2015 Update

Do excuse the slight break in blogging. It was sort of deliberate. I have been a little busy with a few hobby projects.

I took a good dive into the Go programming language and I think I like it. No in a wow this is amazing more in a yep this can feel a little restrictive compared with C++ or others but I get what you are trying to achieve here and can like it. Probably the only thing I didn't like about it was the use of Capital letters to mean publicly accessible. It is weird that I don't like it  - it just feels well wrong. Given a few thousand lines of code I would get past this and if that is the only thing I have to complain about.

In terms of development Go is moving pretty quick at the moment, lots of libraries appearing and generally a good vibe about it. I am not planning on committing any more time to it but overall I was left with a good feeling about it. One to watch in the future

My other little project involved stocks and shares. After reading a couple of articles (in print not internet) and discussion with a few people I wanted to see how simple mechanical algorithms performed.

None of the ones I could come up with did significantly better than buying and holding the share in question. I have ended up with a script that will download historical share prices from yahoo finance and analyse them. This I think will be more useful than my trading algorithms. A script that can tell me about the growers of the past n days is a useful starting point for share hunting.

Buying shares is a bit of a hobby of mine, but as you would expect picking the good ones can be quite difficult. In the past I have usually taken the buy and hold forever approach but as it is a hobby with hobby size amount of money there is no reason to not take more risk and see how more frequent trading turns out.

I should add this is probably the longest period of time I have spend thinking and reading about trading of shares. Being able to mess with python scripts and interactively try things out is pretty nice and has given me a much better appreciation for the complexities involved here. I don't plan on taking up mechanical trading just at the moment...

The task I am moving on to at the moment is the voyagingmind website, it is fair to say it has fallen to the way side. I have started to port it over to using the hugo static site generator and shall attempt to write a few more articles for it.

I expect updates to this blog to be a little slow over the coming months.


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