A New Article!

Oh wow! I have actually created a new article over on the main voyagingmind site. It is about downloading stockmarket data from yahoo and you can find it here.

I will probably do a couple more runs to proof read it, as I hammered it out fairly quickly and my brain is not in the mood for doing much in the way of proof reading tonight. Still I wanted to push it out tonight just so I don't procrastinate on it.

I think I have finally settled on using pycharm as my python editor, much as I like both vim and emacs the zero set up and maintenance that pycharm offers is just too compelling. I am also thinking about doing a reasonable amount of Java soon (starting another game) so having a single editor (Intellij) that I spend most of my  at home coding means less load on the brain. I press vim commands a fair bit when coding in Visual Studio when at work...

Having said that I have been playing with ipython and the notebook functionality it provides. I am very impressed.


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