Black Sails

I have completed watching the first two seasons of Black Sails and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I admit to having a liking to that era in part because of the many hours I spent playing Pirates! on an Amiga many years ago but it is really driven by a slight fascination with the culture of the time. Although the reality of the harshness that people suffered seems to not be well represented in the popular history reporting.

Not wanting to reveal any spoilers I will keep things vague. Black Sails has a mix of pirates some fictional and some using the names of real pirates from the time. The story arcs are good and the writing/acting is well above average - in my opinion. It has all the hall marks to make it a set of above average TV series.

What sets it apart for me is a number of things. None of the characters are particularly good or moral, they are all capable of horrific deeds and loyalty is often fleeting, at the same time many do show compassion. I really enjoyed the fact that I did not settle on cheering on any particular character. You could argue it is a reflection of the hard times faced in the era.

Depiction the times, while still Hollywood like, feels like you are getting a feel for the era. Sure every female has her eyebrows plucked even those that should be trying to pass themselves off as men - this is TV. Overall though it holds itself together as a pretty well.

A big plus for me is it is rated as an 18 (in the UK) and as someone who is a quite fed up with 12 ratings on things it is a real bonus. With a 18 rating it is not about violence but more about being free to portray things. For instance nearly all characters swear, not for comedy effect or once to make a point but just as part of their language when even slightly angry, Adult concepts such as brothels are presented as part of normal life, like they probably were for pirates in that era.

That is not to say Black Sails is perfect in any way. The first two seasons of Breaking Bad are probably better and it does contain faults but I won't dwell on them as they are minor. Assuming what I have said about the series hasn't put you off it is well worth watching.


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