Slow Month.

August is usually a bad month for productivity. This August is not exception. I figure to regain my motivation I should write a meandering post that covers some of my thoughts about stuff. This won't go anywhere in particular and most of my views expressed here will have changed by the time I click publish. If I ever do.

The real goal is the get my mind back in to tech stuff. I find a good way to do this is to write long winded posts that lack any real meat and don't really inform!

This one is slightly different as it contains the advice that writing long blog posts that no one want really wants to read actually benefits you by helping you get back into the flow. If you stop reading now, you could pretend it was a short post with a small take away item to think about!

So you didn't stop. I did warn you.

I read the whys guide to ruby. Ruby seems pretty nice but really the book was enjoyable mostly because of the guys writing style. Well recommended if you want a trip to a strange place. I don't think I will actually taking ruby any further. Python seems to have the mind share for topics that interest me enough to read books/learn about - I still have that natural language processing book to get through. For projects I want to show people my current favorite is JavaScript.

I have been writing another article on parsers and hope to complete it soon. At that point I don't really have a good plan on what next. Game dev wise I kind of decided to take a break the duration of which being determined by phaser.js version one release date. I have not even used pre 1.0 releases but looked at the feature set and thought I would like to use the library. As I wanted a bit of a break, the only illogical thing to do is take a break until the next version is released. Honestly I wanted to write a some articles and get set up and easily maintainable before embarking on more game development.

Having sorted that out I am looking around for a small project to tide me over. Possibly diving into a book, I have a few in the queue or perhaps it is time to try to learn blender again.

On a different topic I am really enjoying JavaScript at the moment. Sure it is only small code bases I am working on. My gVim set up for it is working out quite nicely. It doesn't feel like I am working inside a big heavy IDE and that is pretty important to me at the moment. Perhaps because my code size is only a few hundred lines at the moment I find myself barely using the Tern functionality.


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