Make Yourself the Brand.

Another aspect to brands that I did not cover in the last post is that if you are a lone developer or small team you can make yourself/company the brand. People will pick up you latest game because it is made by you.

This is an indie advantage as it is hard for large companies to retain the personal feel that is needed for this.

It seems to work, many indies games developers do it. It does ever so slightly limit the games you can make as it is hard to make something that is distant from your previous game as people that like your brand may not like it, meaning your brand reach will gradually reduce in size or perhaps just alter.

Given you are unlikely to succeed in this unless you are making games you love and it shows through via twitter/facebook/plus then the idea of limiting the games you make to the ones that you want to make is on the whole not to bad a deal with the devil :)

Honestly if I was trying to build up into a full time indie game developer then this is the route I would take with branding, or at very least it would feature heavily.

I think this post and the last one pretty much covers all I want to say about brands at the moment.


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