Voyaging Mind

Ok I have a very early version of voyagingmind.com uploaded. As you can see it is pretty simple and only contains one article at the moment.

The tech side is pretty standard. I use wintersmith as the site generator. There is not particular reason for choosing this static site generator over the many others. It just seemed to gel with my brain a little more than others. I am using disqus for commenting on the articles. Again for no other reason than I had heard of it and I needed comments on what is effectively as static site.

I plan to put pretty much every meaningful thing I write or create on it. That means eventually contain some games, maybe some apps and articles on a fairly wide range of topics. Pretty much if it interests me it will eventually appear on the site.

So to surmise, mostly for my own clarity.

  • It is not a blog. Articles will tend to be longer form and when discussing development of a project I will focus on the algorithms/problems solved rather than how it is progressing. Blogging will be done here.
  • Articles won't be frequent, one a month or less frequent. No pressure to keep writing.
  • Anything I create will probably end up on there. This is not a topic targeted site.
While in the future I may try and make some money off the site via advertising it is not the goal at the moment. Initially I just want to add interesting content. I would like for it to be a site you stumble across and spend a few hours in before traveling on you way if you get what I mean.  


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