Next step in Clojure

It is pretty clear to me that Clojure is not going to be a language I will get good at in the space of a couple of weeks. Partly because I am taking a relaxed approach to it, sort of enjoying the journey you might say, and partly there is a reasonable amount to learn, not just the language but the tooling.

So after reading through "The Joy of Clojure" I am sure I have not understood even half of it, a book to return in at some point in the future.

The how to progress next question hit me. I could just start writing code, like the little text adventure I created. This would be immensely enjoyable but I would rapidly fall out of learn Clojure mindset to how can I make this game better and that is not somewhere I want to be at the moment.

So I have decided to take a look at the book "Living Clojure". It is simpler than the previous book and presents a series of exercises to get you up to a reasonable level over the period of a number of weeks. Seems like a fun thing to try.


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