Back at last

Yes it has been a long time and yes I have been pretty distracted and I have not been coding much. I am slowly getting the rhythm back. The little bit of coding I am doing using clojure. A long time ago I took a look at it bit but it never really pulled me in. Now the tool set looks a lot more mature. That does mean I have jumped back into the world of emacs. Yes other editors exist but I am trying to not explore all of them.

My attitude at the moment is pretty laid back, I have no expectations of becoming a master at clojure or for that matter emacs. The plan is to just enjoy the coding and anything I learn is just a bonus.

So far I have written a tiny text adventure and read a couple of books. Reading the books has given me a good overview but none of the sections really sunk in.

Why the laid back attitude? Well apart from the usual Summer business I also was training for a black belt. So the past few months have been pretty intense. Now I would like a few months to decompress and generally relax.


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