May a month of doing other stuff.

May is meant to be a bit of a do different stuff month, that means anything except coding on projects. So practicing my art work and churning through some chapters of an interesting book.

So far I am quite happy to report that I have made some progress. Well on the art side anyway. It is pretty simple to pick up a pencil and draw. I have taken the approach of just drawing what comes to mind.

This is a bit weird for me as I usually attempt to follow tutorials, we have many learn to draw books kicking around our house. What is weird is the topics I have chosen to draw about. I fully expected to be making bad attempts at drawing mech.

A game design I have been pondering is a mech based one and that means my brain was full of mech, not drawing about mech made me reflective. Is this a hint that perhaps my mind is not fully engaged in mech stuff at the moment?

Instead I have been drawing some buildings and other objects such as fantasy style hot air balloons (with propellers) , along with some human heads. Strange choices they are not just not what I was expecting. Should I roll with it and design a game around them.

Drawing what came to mind was something I decided to do rather than using tutorials because I wanted to gain more experience in drawing before retrying tutorials. You get a lot more out of a tutorial on two point perspective if you have attempted to a number of buildings from different angles. Pretty much if someone wants to be a better coder then you have to code and the same goes for drawing.

Sketching sure is fun.

Progress on churning though a few chapters on a book about natural language processing has not gone well. To be honest I have not looked at it.Part of the reason it I have been pretty tired out in the evenings and the reason for this is exercise.

I have signed up to do a half marathon at the end of June. My fitness levels were quite low and ramping up the training is taking its toll on my energy levels. Getting fit again is also fun so I should not complain too much.


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