Planning for June 2013

Well May is nearly over and I have not go half as much done as I should have but that is half the fun.

I have been sketching a fair bit and am now planning on working through a book on drawing to attempt to increase my skill levels.

After a month off I have the urge to return to some game creating. I have a couple of designs floating around in my head, one is pretty complex so should be fun to write and gradually develop. Others are a lot simpler.

I would like to dip my toes back into the HTML5 game dev again. It has been a while and browsers are moving at quite a pace at the moment when it comes to their development.

My plan for June will still be a bit of a month of experimentation but I will start to regain focus. Getting a bit of a design together for a longer game I want to write a long with some artwork. While at the same time developing a simple game in HTML5 just to dip my toes back in and get a feel for it.

The longer game is going to be a mech based game, where mechs are lumbering giant powerful machines rather than the fast moving variety. I am not 100% committed to this but I want to experiment with the idea of gradually growing a game and doing regular releases on android play store just to see what happens. All my games this year have been of the create and forget type. The mech game will use Java and libgdx.

Planing always involves tech talk and I don't plan to shy away from it in this blog. It is however unlikely that I will post much in the way of code here. While this blog is a personal thing for me I still want it to be accessible to a wide audience as possible.


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