End of Jan 2019

Excuse the quiet. I have been fairly busy with work and life, and then cold struck me down. One that was strong enough to beat me into submission and on to the sofa for about 4 days.

Obviously I don't particularly like having a cold but with a family in the house there are enough vectors of attack so it is not uncommon.

Having a cold brings a certain calmness to my life, well I mean my brain. It is a shame that my ability to think is reduced down to 25% of its normal capacity. There is a point in the recovery where my brain is back at 75% and recovering fast but the calmness remains at least for a little while. I enjoy being in that place.

I would love to know why I observe this effect and often I wonder if I could achieve this calmness via some "Mind Hacks" such as meditation, yoga, even Internet usage reduction. So far my attempts to regain this inner peace when healthy have failed. Within a week my mind will be whirling all over the place.

While suffering on the sofa but not sleeping, I fired up the laptop and messed around with Sokol(https://github.com/floooh/sokol). It is pretty cool even if I only got to the point drawing some lines. It kind of inspired me to build something similar on top of SDL2 just for fun.

I am still making slow progress through the Haskell book (http://haskellbook.com/). I say slow progress as I am doing every single exercise in the book which is kind of fun. I still don't think I am coding in it enough to bed in the concepts presented. Having said that I am only just over one third of my way through the book and at least one chapter has a bigger project associated with it.

January is officially over. I had ear marked it as a learning month with February down as start to convert to being a little more productive. I still have a fair number of learning tasks ahead but want to try to have them more directed towards projects with other goals. At the end of the month learning Haskell should be the only remaining learning task as in learning just for shear pleasure.


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