The Week Ending 13th-Jan-2019

Slightly late, I try for Sundays although I am not totally committed to a weekly update just yet. Life is bound to get in the way at some point.

I faltered on using Rust mid week. I was getting frustrated with Iterators and the Peekable types. It was not quite working how I expected it to. I eventually arrived at nice is solution but was a bit annoyed how long it took.

Really I should expect these things as I am learning the language, for fun I went ahead an rewrote the code in C++ just for comparison. While the core of the code was a little cleaner and it compiled a lot faster I appreciated more of Rust was doing and providing for me. Just having the ability to derive Debug printing is such a nice win.

I continue with Rust with an improved understanding of the trade offs.

Learning Haskell is still progressing. It seems the pattern I am settling into is doing about 30 minutes of learning Haskell about 4-5 times a week. The more I learn Haskell the more clearly I can see Rust has borrowed many ideas from that family of languages.

I stumbled across Publii a GUI to make building statically rendered web sites a lot easier. I like using Hugo but didn't find the process smooth enough for frequent blogging. Anyway Publii is nice and brought back memories of CityDesk, one of the early applications from the Joel On Software company. It has many of the niceties of a hosted service like blogger but the advantage of easy hosting on Netlify or Github.

I am considering move to it with the only things holding be back from using it is the early version number and slight concerns about the number of contributors. The time is takes to get the site looking nice is also off putting for me.

CLion has become my default code editor, I found its low power mode which making it suitable for use on my laptop without draining the battery at an alarming rate. While I am not thrilled with its huge memory usages and is slightly slow,  the Rust plugin seems to be the best out there at the moment. Incidentally the Rust plugin is free and can be used with the Community edition of IntelliJ.

This coming week will probably be more of the same


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