Yep it is another returning here post!

I have decided to start posting on this blog again. I currently have where I occasionally post, it uses Hugo as a static site generator. While I enjoy using static site generators (for the control) and Netlify for free hosting it does present a certain amount of resistance when blogging. I use multiple computers which means I need to keep syncing git repos just to work on a post. Not exactly a smooth user experience.

As it is the start of a new year I decide to return to using blogger, I will still keep the actual website, although I may remove the blog part. It will serve as a store for things I make - should that ever happen! Really this is an attempt to simplify life a bit and try to focus on creating and learning things I like. Making blogging easier will also help to capture random thoughts that come into my mind, something the Hugo site was not doing for me.

I do worry that blogger will eventually be closed down, it doesn't seem to get many updates anymore. I guess tackle that when it happens.

It is the beginning of the year so I am quite motivated to work on stuff. I have been messing around with ideas for a small language and am on my way to finally learning Haskell. That is assuming I can keep the Haskell learning momentum up.

This blog is pretty much for me. Readers would be a nice plus but not needed. Just logging what I work on is enough to motivate it.

I will keep this one short rather than than essay like update I have a tendency to write.

Oh and, depending on location, a very early/belated happy new year .


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