Distracted by many things.

Well I would not say I have been productive over the past few days. I have been busy but in a distracted sort of way. No simple game has hooked me yet. I like the idea of producing some simple, small games but my drawing abilities let me down and I get disappointed. I am learning towards creating games that are a little bit more off the beaten path so my, lack of, drawing skills are not compared with full time artists.

My art skill at art varies a great deal over a period of a year. It is all down to practice and knowing the tools. It would be fair to say I am at a low point at the moment and the only way out of this is to do more art. 

The tool I am most familiar with is Inkscape and to be honest it is not ideal for the creation of art I would like in my games, that means I have to leave my comfort zone and learn some more tools. Usually at this point I would head towards something like gimp but this time I am taking a look around as all I really need in a sprite editor. It would be nice if it was also a web based tool so I could use it on my chrome book. 

To change the subject a bit. Before Christmas I was talking about doing the android course at Udacity. Well yesterday I decided it was time to give up on it. This is not a reflection on Udacity more an indicator that much of the material was not new to me (I was using it as a refresher) and it also reflects the fact I am not that into creating android apps at the moment. I am sure within a month I will be raving about the android I am building. 

Overall I found the Udacity course to be very good. The combination of work at your own pace, video/question experience combined with a build something as you go to be very good. I am actually considering doing a different course but this time on something that would be fairly new to me. If you want to learn something and there is a course on Udacity I recommend signing up for the free access to the course material, Obviously to get a proper certificate you have to pay but the free access is all you need if you are in it for the joy of learning.


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