Learning some Web Dev

I have had a presence on the internet for a very long time, having built static sites, run sites on various content management systems as well having written a lot of text in various blogging sites. One thing I have never really is done is getting to grips with server side programming. Sure I wrote a couple of app-engine apps  but I am not sure I understood the concepts.

I however had an idea for a site I am thinking of creating that would require a reasonable amount of server side coding. So I decided to learn a bit more about the topic. I signed up the the Web Development course at udacity, the free one as I don't need a certificate at the end.

So far it has been pretty interesting. While I sort of recall some bit from previous adventures, taking it from the ground up has been pretty interesting and I am certainly learning a fair bit.

I have also brought a book on node js and express. While I am only slowly progressing with this it is touching on similar topics the udacity course it hitting it is worth it as I plan to use node to power the site.

The reason for using node is I want to simplify my life a bit, well my coding life. A sort of new year resolution was if possible try to stick to just two programming languages, C++ and Javascript for at home dev work. Sure the Udacity course is using python but I am not really coding there. Well I am but the goal of the course if to teach general ideas rather than specific code. The combination of C++ and Javascript pretty much covers everything I could want to target.

I also have a feeling the Javascript couple be in for a good year. The next version should be completed and that adds a great deal of nice new features.

In my down times I took a look at hosting. Wow there sure seem to be a lot of options. I got lost a couple of times. In cases like this it is usually best to fix say the price I want to pay as that will help to eliminate many options from the pool. Of course I just have to decide what I think is a good price to pay. That is a little way off first. I have to finish the udacity course and then start to build the web app I am thinking of.


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